Sunday, 25 January 2009

searching for the pieces of a broken me

sleep still runs from me leaving me wondering in this twilight feeling of jetlag
It is the chinese new year to night we are leaving the golden rat
hopefully the new year will reveal more little pieces so I can keep gathering them up and sticking myself back together.
THis sleep deprivation is my mind and body trying to get to a safe place within it's self
The best way to explain it is what is the biggest thing you are scared of
imagine locking yourself in a small confined place with it
basically facing your own biggest demons without sharing the secret


  1. {hug} for you FB .... oh I'd not do too well with putting myself in a small confined room with the fear/problem(s)

  2. I'd want to kick its arse..that's what I want to do to my demons.

  3. smile I'm working on it all
    and hopefully I will sleep tonight

  4. Insomia is the worst. I can't face my demons alone, I've learned that. It doesn't work for me. Hope it works for you... *hugs*

  5. greeneyes - my demons are from being abused, I'm far too borring to have developed any drug or drink addictions

  6. I hope that you can catch up on some sleep FB - and I couldn't face my demons without - liquor!

  7. Lerm for the win.

    I spend about half of each night not sleeping, but it's all in bits and pieces. My demons, however, are small and not scary.

    Good luck with yours, F-B. Help and hugs are here if you need them.

  8. Basically I hit a blip changing my routine causes stuff like that
    it will be back to normal soon

  9. This comment properly belongs with the Happy New Year post, but I can't seem to get a comment box there...

    Good thing you know Rob better than he thinks, and it's good that he's on hiatus :-)

    Happy New Year :-)

  10. I end up facing my demons almost every day and more than one night has been spent trying to escape them. They don't fight fair and sometimes I swear I can hear them laughing when I wake up screaming.

    I hope you can lock them in that small room by themselves and find a safe place for yourself.

    Glad to see you here.
