Wednesday, 21 January 2009

moving on swiftly

ok it was a fortnight of great sex and lies but luckerly theres no video tape kids
and I think theres about 9 moves in a almost one night stand if that helps anyone
oh and my balance has improved snort
I'm going to miss the sex
but I'm not cut out for the lies to me and of course to everyone else
I didn't say . . . .
ooops few big old dirty secrets floating around here folks
it would have made a good sitcom folks


  1. Glad to hear about the balance improving! Shame about the lack of a tape but, I think we all love dirty secrets!!!

  2. well now you've certainly peaked my curiosity....

  3. *hug* just try to remember the good times, if you can..yeah, good sex can get addictive.

  4. Lerm there was a few comedy moments
    Yacky - sometimes there are things you shouldn't know
    doanli - what he lacked in looks he sure made up for in . . ..
