Tuesday, 20 January 2009

A new year is caste over the city

New years I choose to spend with new friends I had the choice of old friends but the complexities of going to York would have put me in the same situation I would have been it I hadn't gone to Tristrams last year.

My friend has a apartment in the finance district with an internal courtyard the traditional cream leather furniture which we are all supposed to want now but one of the things that she loves most of all are her pots and pans and a giant house plant. This woman is one of thee most nicest caring people you will ever meet we are slowly building up the links that form with 21st century singletons in their thirties, in a city that is absent of community

We drank and partied till 3am I took photos and a friend took photo's with my camera while I was chatting to people
There seemed to be an unease to the beginning of this new year I put that down to the fact that we were a room of people in flux not settled in the destination of where we all needed to be,

I tried ringing a friend to wish him happy new year but his line was ringing dead

The boy commented on the fact later that most guys that night were trying to look down my top . . .


this is not quite the beginnings of messiness

but you


  1. Aren't most men looking at our racks first, then our faces? lol

  2. most guys struggle to make it to my eyes

  3. It sucks having big boobs doesn't it? Sheesh!

  4. yes when thats all some people want to see me as being and nothing else

  5. I don't even know why women have faces!
    Looking forward to the messy bits!!!!!

  6. and Lerm honey thats why we are friends - I don't understand why people have to over complicate things
    as you know messy . . .
