Wednesday, 25 February 2009

First day of Lent

Decided to get in the spirit of things this year and give something up (even though I'm not Catholic)
As we know I'm a little short on vices . . . .some may say I should be taking something up for Lent
So . . .. .
This year I am giving up McKoy's potato chips at 260 calories a bag and the fact that left to my own devices I may consume up to 5 bags
This being down to the fact that if my mouth is full I can't tell people what I'm really thinking


  1. another potatoe chip addict? I guess you missed my recent entry about losing a potatoe chip... yes, I did find and digested it finally. *wink*

  2. so are you replacing it with a different vice?

  3. I love barbecue flavored chips. And salt and vinegar. And sour cream flavored...

  4. ya can't eat just one--addictive as can be!

  5. I tried to think of something to give up but I can't give up my cigarettes just yet ;) Maybe refined sugar but I am eating so little of it these days it doesn't seem much of a sacrifice. And I'm not giving up sex. Hell NO! lol Guess Next year I'll do something ..

    Hope you are having a fabulous week FB.

  6. If giving things up is for Catholics, then I guess I don't have to give up anything :-)

  7. I'm giving up hard work for the next forty days - I don't think I'll miss it. Good luck with the chippies. I'm notionally Anglican - do they believe in Lent? Not sure!

  8. Kudos, to ya! Hmmm, I wonder *thinks a minute* Could I really give up chocolate??!! It's making me get weight on my bones anyway. Adding saturated fat (ugh) to my arteries.

  9. I love chips, but haven't eaten them in a long, long time. Good for you giving up something.. *hugs* I'm happy I finally found you and am now officially 'following\ you so I can hopefully keep up!
