Sunday, 22 February 2009

trying to find my limits

I know what some of my limits are - from the beginning of the year

Physically I continue to look for them I guess the beating heart going wild and trying to push my self further. When others stop through pain I just continue to walk through things putting one foot in front of the other. Today was not hard though, but serously maybe I shouldn't drink and then do these things the rest of the team were in bed before midnight giggle

I have a tendency to walk by myself it gives me a chance to think and just be

I was hit by a memory as we were driving back in the dark - trance music playing . . it reminded me of a late night drive from the south of france to geneva . . I was happy that weekend
I need to make some new happy memories ones not tinged in sadness


  1. Yeah - maybe no booze before a massive hike is a good idea! And you do need some new memories that are untinged - it is the hardest part of moving on I think.

  2. I wish you many happy memories, darlin'

  3.'s good to walk by yourself and just be, I do that myself. I appreciate and think about things along the way.

  4. I get out and walk sometimes, and take the camera in case my subconscious wants to think, too.

    I hope you make new, happy memories, F-B. Walking alone is good for you, but not a lot of fun.

  5. I usually run instead of walking... I get there faster that way-- (smile)

  6. The South of France will do that for you...
