Saturday, 21 February 2009

One question a day

I suppose like a cat I like to play with my victims

So I ask the man one question a day

It is his choice then whether to answer it or not

todays question was

Would you let me photograph you?

Of course he replied naked ;)

It made me smile . . . . this week has been dipped in intence sadness for one of our friends eo-per-nex decided to leave us early, but like most of our friendships here we have words passed back and forth like notes in childrens classrooms written quickly but with meaning not always for everyone
This photo is one I took while trying to wrap my head around eo-per-nex's goodbye. It is that last flash of sunset before we are plunged into darkness to await the raising of dawn and a new day


  1. I wish I had time to have gotten to know eo-per-nex better. {hugs}

  2. Will you be posting the photos?!

    re: "but like most of our friendships here we have words passed back and forth like notes in childrens classrooms written quickly but with meaning not always for everyone"
    I like that, very well said.

  3. Poor man, I do hope he has found peace.

  4. I like the photo & the sentiment.

    Hope he looks good naked!

  5. e-p-n was looking for the new day, he just didn't want to plunge into darkness first.

  6. Your final comments reflect the thinking of the ancient Egyptians. Although it was a struggle, the sun always rose, pushed along by a solitary beetle.

  7. I think we would have all liked a little more time with him Dorrie
    Justfly - it is unlikely we will end up taking them in the end
    Lerm - I think it would be a b&W shot giggle
    Doug - yes I know but it still makes me sad
    BM - I keep reflecting back to the stories of the ancients when in deep thought
