Sunday, 15 May 2011

change change change

currently living someone elses life. Socialising has turned into networking. I no longer have friends I have associates. Life has become a swap of business cards and gaining that next contract.
Do I miss me I don't know but most days I don't recognise myself.


  1. I miss you, even if you don't ;-)

  2. Journal-space has left us all in lost stumbling limbo, you will always be FB to me and nobody can forget you :)

  3. And this is what you went home for..?
    I'll always recognize you as a friend, L.

  4. I have missed you! Are you still creating jewelry? I lost your website when I got my new laptop =(

  5. Hey there. I have totally missed you! Stay in touch. And take care of yourself!!

  6. I'm not sure what I went home for it was just an action of flinging the pack of cards into the air and seeing where they landed. I am out of touch these days so please for give me, I still make jewelery but I haave run out of a special wire
